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1 Minute Film Questionnaire


Updated: Dec 7, 2021

I have included some responses from my Microsoft Forms Questionnaire, that I used to gain some Qualitative Research about my ideas, below.

Idea 1: Idea 1 is based on the narrative of a man, who is frantically searching for a video tape, only to find that it has been recorded over with something that is not important. The man is searching for his Wedding Video Tape ( I have decided to use a video tape to create a vintage effect, enhancing the importance of the object), only to find that he has accidentally recorded over this with an old football match. The genre of this short film would be comedy, with the comedy element being that the man panics over not being able to find the tape, only to finally discover that it no longer contains the footage that is important. Idea 2: Idea 2 involves a clown and his unusual fear of balloons. When the clown is challenged to blow up a balloon at a children's party, he is challenged with facing his fears. After much fretting of blowing up the balloon, he is finally encouraged by the children to do so. However, when he finally does, the balloon explodes in his face, amplifying his fears even more. This provides a comedy ending. Idea 3: Idea 3 involves a man who is looking in a shop window at a pair of trainers that he would like to buy. However, he does not have enough money to buy them, until he spots a £50 note stuck on a branch of a tree. The main focus of the story is how the man will retrieve the money from the tree using different methods - for example, a ladder, a trampoline, and throwing his shoe at it. At the end of the film, when the man finally manages to get the £50 note, he returns to the shop to find that the shoes he wanted have been sold.

1. Which Idea do you think is the strongest?

- "Idea 3 seems the strongest but also seems the most difficult to pull off"

- "I think that the second idea is the strongest because it takes something that seems normal and turns it into something different, for example the idea that the clown is scared of balloons is a little different as this is usually a big part of their profession and it would seem strange if a clown's fear was something they would typically be around anyway."

- "Idea 1"

- "It seems like the one that has been thought out the most and seems the most entertaining"

- "I chose this idea because it seemed the most interesting and unusual out of the three options. After reading the options I also found the idea that the clown doesn't get over his fear quite interesting as usually it's encouragement that helps people to get over these things."

- "I choose this idea because I think its the easiest idea and the most simplest for doing it in 1 min"

3. What would you change about this Idea?

- "Not much but I would be careful with your actors and equipment, definitely going to need think about health and safety"

- "I don't think that there is anything I would change about this idea."

- "Nothing it seems like a good idea."

4. How could I make this Idea more interesting for the viewer?

- "I'm not sure I think you got a decent concept and should be able to provide enough content for 1 minute"

- "I think it could be made a little bit more interesting with a flashback as to why he has a fear of balloons because it would be nice to have a little bit of background on this clown."

When analysing the results of my Questionnaire using Qualitative Research, I felt that there were some good points made. For example, for the person who chose Idea 3 made some valuable points of the difficulties and challenges I might face when trying to create this project. After some thought, I am now aware of the vast amount of equipment and skills needed to create this film. I will keep the idea and possibly use it in the future when I have more resources available and perhaps challenged with creating a longer film. Furthermore, the second person chose Idea 2, based on the idea that this film creates a deeper meaning and message of overcoming your fears. I found their opinions useful and was grateful for the feedback that they gave as they made some constructive suggestions as to how I could improve this idea. However, similar to the first opinion, I will keep this idea for the future as I am wary of including too many shots, such as flashbacks, and being able to compress the footage into a one-minute film. For this reason, I have decided to go forward with Idea 1 based on the fact that, I have many resources available, it follows a simple, humorous structure, and I believe I can compress this into a 1-minute film, whilst still completing the narrative. However, the point made by Person 2 about using Flashbacks could prove to be a useful method in my chosen idea. This has allowed me to question the use of Flashbacks in my other ideas and how effective these could be. In my chosen idea of Idea 1, I could include a very brief flashback shot of the man recording over the tape towards the end of the film. This will further help to indicate his realisation of the mistake he has made. This would also allow me to talk about this clever technique in my evaluation. Also, the fact that this person was interested more in this idea because it has a deeper, hidden message, has led me to think about different messages that I could include in Idea 1. Perhaps the meaning behind this film would be that in a comedic sense, mistakes always come back to haunt you. Alternatively, it could be implying that it is always better to take things slow for want of a better outcome, instead of rushing and making mistakes. I feel that I might gather a better understanding of what my message could be whilst making the film.

To help me gain some further research, I used a primary research method of having a group discussion and vote. I explained my three ideas to the group of people and firstly gathered votes on which were their favourite. Idea 1 scored 8 votes, and Idea 3 scored 7 votes, with Idea 2 scoring 0 votes. I found this form of research very helpful as it gave me a clear indication on the idea that my target audience would like to see produced. After gathering this Quantitative information, I discussed with the group their opinions and reasoning behind their votes. A constructive piece of advice that I gathered was to try and use different, and silly, locations around the main location (house), to build upon the comedy genre. For example, I present the character as searching for his video tapes in places that its very unlikely to be. For example, in the fridge, in the bath, or even in a flower bed. I found this research task very helpful as it has allowed me to question my ideas once more and come to a conclusion on which idea I would like to produce for my final film.

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