Unit 11 Progression
Unit 11 Progression Mind Map

Personality Test
Personality type: Advocate (INFJ-A)
Traits: Introverted – 65%, Intuitive – 56%, Feeling – 68%, Judging – 71%, Assertive – 76%
Role: Diplomat
Strategy: Confident Individualism
What did the written results say?
The written results of the personality test explained that the advocate personality type is one of the rarest in the world. Some of the words that were used to describe the personality type were idealistic, principled, ambitious, and integral. The report also explained that people who inhabit this personality type are often prone to navigate their way through life, keeping their core values and intentions at the centre of what they do. It explained that these people are often left unsatisfied until what they believe to be right has been done.
What did the data suggest?
After completing the personality test, I was presented with a report which detailed different aspects and attributes of my personality, along with the percentage for each of how I inhabited them.

The data suggests that I am more introverted over being extroverted with a 65% majority. However, it also detailed that I am more prone to being intuitive over observant. It explained that in most situations, I base many decisions off of how I am feeling and not how I am thinking. It also gave me a 71% for judging and 29% for prospecting, along with a 76% for being assertive against the 24% of being turbulent.
How accurate was the data?
When reflecting on the data analysis, I had varied thoughts and feelings as there were some points which I agreed with, and others, not so much. If somebody was to ask if I was more introverted or extraverted, I would say that I feel I am more introverted, which is what the data shows, therefore, I feel that this part of the analysis is accurate. I also feel this to be true when looking at the final three parts of the data which suggest that I am more inclined to connect to my feelings, have good judgement, and be assertive where necessary. however, the one part of the analysis that I feel was not accurate was the second suggestion which suggests I am more intuitive than observant. Personally, I strongly feel that this is the wrong way around and that I am more observant.
Did you learn something surprising that you hadn't considered before?
When studying my results, I was surprised to see the strength that Advocates often feel, and their dedication to fulfilling a role or a dream. Whilst I had not thought in depth about this before, I do believe that it has some relevance to my own personality.
What words do you think describe you accurately?
Five of the main words that were used to describe me in my personality analysis were, creative, insightful, principled, passionate, and altruistic. I think that most of these words have some accuracy to them and that I would use them to describe myself. Some other words that I think relate to my personality would be, adventurous, ambitious, determined, and compassionate.
Which strengths were identified? Do you agree?
One of the main strengths that was recorded was that my personality type is insightful which I believe to be true to my own personality. The report explained that this means that advocates strive to move beyond superficiality, and seek out the 'deeper truths in life'. It also explained that it allows advocates to have an 'uncanny ability' to understand other peoples feelings, emotions, and motivations. Another strength that it identified was the fact that advocates are principled, meaning that they are passionate and knowledgeable about subjects and topics which have a deep meaning to them. It also explained that this often allows advocates to explain situations and help others to view them in different lights. Personally, I believe that both of these strengths are correct to my own personality.
Is there anything that you agree with that you would like to improve?
One of the main points that was identified was that I am 65% more introverted over extraverted. Although I feel that this is true to my personality, I would like to adjust my actions as I think it is important to have an equal balance between being introverted and extroverted. Ways in which I might do this is by going out more and volunteering my time.
After completing the personality test, we then created an account on UCAS Hub, which will allow us to view different university courses, look at what different universities offer, and gain an understanding of university life.

As well as completing the personality test, I also took a Careers Quiz which would help determine which career paths would most suit my personality and attributes. I answered a series of questions and had to select an option from a scale of strongly agreeing to strongly disagreeing. Whilst some of the questions felt unnecessary to the path I would like to take, others were spot on and even answering the quiz gave me a clearer idea on the options available. Upon completion, I was presented with a selection of options that matched my answers. I have included some of these below, along with a brief description of each avenue.

University Fair - 30/09/22
This week, we visited a University Fair which was held at the Kent Cricket Ground. We were given the opportunity to speak to several representatives from various Universities across the UK and learn about the courses they offer. Although some of these universities focussed on specific subjects, there were many that included Film as an option. Some of the universities that we spoke to included, the University of Leicester, Norwich University of the arts, University of Exeter and Canterbury Christchurch University. As well as speaking to people from the universities, I was also able to collect some leaflets and booklets to research some further information. I found this visit very useful as, even though I don't think university will be my first choice, it was still interesting to see what is on offer as it could be something that intrigues me more in the future.
Top 5 Options
1. Apprenticeship
2. University
3. Jobs
4. GAP year
5. volunteering
apprenticeships options
1. Production Advanced Trainee Scheme - Production Advanced Trainee Scheme job with BBC | 826181 (ucas.com)
2. Film & TV apprentice - Film & TV apprentice job with Welsh Government | 1184995 (ucas.com)
3. PRODUCTION ASSISTANT (SCREEN AND AUDIO) - Production assistant (screen and audio) / Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education
4. CONTENT CREATOR - Content creator / Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education
5. POST PRODUCTION TECHNICAL OPERATOR - Post production technical operator / Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education
University Courses
1. Media Studies (University of Brighton) - Media Studies at University of Brighton - UCAS
2. Media Studies (University of Kent) - Media Studies at University of Kent - UCAS
3. Film and Media Studies (University of Leicester) - Film and Media Studies at University of Leicester - UCAS
4. Journalism (UAL) - Journalism at University of the Arts London - UCAS
5. Media Production (Bournemouth University) - Media Production at Bournemouth University - UCAS
Screen Skills Trainee Finder Webinar - 24/10/22
On Monday 24th October, I attended and online webinar which was held over zoom, to learn more about the screen Skills Trainee Finder programme. Each year, Screen Skills selects 200 hundred applicants to their trainee finder where they are matched with different productions, ranging from HETV to Animation and Children's TV. during THE APPLICATION PROCESS, YOU ARE ASKED TO SELECT A DEPARTMENT THAT YOU ARE KEEN TO PROGRESS INTO, WHETHER THAT BE CAMERA, COSTUME, LIGHTING, OR DIRECTING. this HELPS THE TRAINEE FINDER ASSIGN YOU PROJECTS THAT WILL SUIT YOUR INTERESTS.
The webinar lasted for an hour and was conducted by members of the screen skills team, with guest speakers who had previously taken part in the programme, detailing their experiences. Towards the end of the webinar, there was a chance to send in Live questions. I asked about the typical duration of each project as I was keen to find out whether this could be something that I could take part in alongside my college course. I was informed that an assigned project can last between 4 weeks to 24 weeks and you could be required to work 5 days a week, as well as long hours (often 12 hour days). Therefore, I concluded that this would not be possible alongside my current college commitments, however, it did give me an idea of an option I could pursue after leaving full-time education. This would be an ideal route to take if I decided to freelance for a while as I would have less long term commitments and would have more time to work on longer projects.

University Fair - 20/10/22
This week, during college time, we attended a university fair which was being helf on 'The Street' at Canterbury College. Several universities, such as, Christchurch, Brighton, Portsmouth and Kent university had set up stalls for students to visit and find out more information. It was interesting to speak to the university representatives as I was able to learn more about university life and what courses they each offered. Whilst there, we were also asked to document a little bit of the fair by creating a short film to showcase the event. We felt it appropriate to speak to some of the other students and gather their thoughts and opinions and ask about their future career objectives. I have included a copy of our short film below.
Personal Statement - 04/11/22
Over the past few weeks, I have been able to explore a variety of possible career options for my future, However, I have decided that the best route for me, if possible would be an apprenticeship. Over the past few years, I have found that the best way for me to learn new skills and develop them effectively is to do so through practical tasks. I feel that an apprenticeship would allow me to work in a real life setting and would give me an opportunity to work with industry professionals first-hand, whilst continuing to be educated about the television industry. With this in mind, I am now tasked with structuring a personal statement that could be used in an apprenticeship application. It would also help me, should I ever decide to apply for university later in life. I have included a list of some of the points that I wish to discuss in my personal statement below.
Discussion of Work Experience
Ambition for future after the course
Elements of course that I am most interested in
Talk about skills and attributes
Ensure to grab readers attention
Talk about enthusiasm for course
Be specific when talking about interests
Explain why you want to do course and how it will benefit your future
Demonstrate personal progression
When researching some of the ways to begin a personal statement, I found that it can be effective to introduce why you have chosen to apply for the role and to especially avoid clichés. A personal statement should be used as an opportunity to sell yourself to the employer and detail your skills and attributes, explaining why you think you would be suitable for the role. I have included my first draft for this section of the statement below.
'For many years, I have inhabited a growing passion for Media, particularly in Film and Television, therefore I am applying for this course to build and enhance my skills, which will help me to progress into the industry. Since being a child, I have always found enjoyment in devising and creating my own short films, using my imagination to form innovative and exciting ideas. It was through doing this that stemmed my interest to research more about how I could explore this as a career option.'
Furthermore, when researching more about what makes a good personal statement, I discovered that it is important to discuss why the course that you're applying for would be beneficial to you. It is important for the admissions officer to understand that you have researched the course and have the necessary attributes to be accepted. I have included the second part of the statement below.
'This course especially interests me due to its practical nature, allowing for a pragmatic experience when learning the skills and techniques needed to meet industry standards. As well as this, I am also aware, and would look forward to the written element of the course, which would see me investigate and analyse those who are already working in the industry and the productions in which they have created. Personally, I enjoy writing about my own projects throughout its course, as I feel it allows me to reflect and consider the progress being made. It also allows me to examine any errors that occur, prompting me to think about how these could be resolved.'
Another important key part of the personal statement is to talk about your own skills and attributes, and how they could contribute towards the course. It is important to show willing and explain what you have learnt in the past in order to actively improve your own knowledge.
'As I previously mentioned, I take pleasure in producing my own short films, whether they be a telling of a fictional story, or a factual documentary. Whilst I enjoy planning the content that I wish to create; my favourite part of the process is filming the footage. A passion of mine is Photography, and over the past few years, I have taught myself how to operate a Canon DSLR camera and learn its different settings and features. This has helped me to feel more confident when using a camera, allowing me to focus more on the story that is being told and the message that I am attempting to convey. Throughout my college course, and within personal projects, I have been able to practise and develop these skills, helping me to further my knowledge.'
This week, I have been able to make a start on my personal statement when thinking about why this course would be suitable for me, and how my skills and attributes could be used throughout the course. Next week, I will continue with my personal statement when writing a full first draft. I will need to be mindful of the 4,000 Character limit, making sure that I do not write too much, nor too little.
Personal Statement - 11/11/22
Last week, I began to write some ideas for the first draft of my personal statement. This week, I will continue to research the different sections that are required to make up a good personal statement so that I can complete my first draft.
Having previously done some research on this, I discovered that it is often beneficial to discuss previous work experience opportunities. This shows the admissions officer that you are a proactive candidate and have actively seeked out opportunities which would allow you to further your knowledge and experience. Having previously obtained some work experience opportunities, I detailed this in the section below.
'In June 2022, I was commissioned by a local film company, FunderFilms, to film a short documentary, commemorating the celebrations of The Queens Platinum Jubilee in my hometown. During the project, I was tasked with meeting and collaborating with local creatives who would become the subject of my short film and interviewing them to gain their personal views and narrations as the project developed. When working individually on this project, it was essential that I was aware and focussed on the various aspects at hand, for example, the camera, audio, and lighting. These were all elements that I had to consider and ensure were correct for the end result to appear smooth and polished. Furthermore, also during this project, I was given the opportunity to edit my footage together, allowing me to be creative in the way that the information would be portrayed. I felt honoured to have been able to document a momentous occasion in my town, which led to my film being screened at my local cinema for the community to enjoy, before being placed in the local museum for future generations to reflect on. It was throughout this project that I was able to identify the aspects of filmmaking I enjoy the most and how I could expand my skillset in these areas.
As well as this, I have also gained several opportunities over the past few years which have allowed me to have a first-hand glimpse into the world of television making. In November 2021, I was fortunate to have been hired as a runner on ITV’s Celebrity Catchphrase, giving me the chance to work in a professional setting in a studio environment. During this time, I was able to speak with industry professionals and gain an insight into their own job roles and how they progressed in order to reach that point. I felt that, within my job as a runner, I was also able to strengthen several key skills, such as communication, time management, problem solving, as well as closely collaborating with other members of the team. This job was extremely beneficial as it reminded me of the essential attributes that are needed if wanting to grow and be distinctive in an fast moving industry. In addition to this, I have also been able to spend some time in an established post-production facility, where learning more about the final stages of a production. Whilst here, I was able to sit in with industry professionals in editing (online and offline), audio, colour grading, and VFX departments. This was an incredibly insightful opportunity as I was able to learn about how a film or television programme is edited together after the production stage of a project. Even though this is not the route that I intend to focus on, it allowed me to obtain a vision for how this process works, encouraging me to remember this whilst filming, considering the obstacles that may be presented, and how they could be overcome during the editing phase.'
In addition to this, we are also encouraged to talk about what our future career ambitions are and how this course would help us to progress to that point. It is important for the admissions officers to know that you are applying to the right course and you have made an informed decision based on your own skillset. I have included the final part of the personal statement below.
'Over the past two years, I have been studying a Level 3 Extended Diploma in Film and Television Production, and I now feel ready to progress into higher education, evolving and improving on the skills in which I have already learnt. In the future, my main objective is to work in the Television industry as a camera operator, particularly on High-End productions. Whilst I am aware that this is an advanced and technical role, I am keen and ambitious to work towards this, practising and showcasing my abilities along the way. Personally, I feel that, by participating in this course, I will be able to reach my full potential, gaining the skills needed to progress into the industry.'
Whilst I am aware that this personal statement currently stands beyond the 4,000 characters limit, I am pleased to have been able to structure a personal statement that I feel displays my own skills and attributes. Moving forward, my task is now to cut and shorten certain elements of the statement, ensuring that it meets the standard requirements, yet, does not massively deduce the quality of the content. This is something that I will rework when focussing on the second draft script.
Personal Statement - 18/11/22
This week, I continued to work on and develop my personal statement. There were several aspects that I needed to remove from the statement in order to reach the 4,000 word limit. I have included the shorter, second draft below.
For many years, I have inhabited a growing passion for Film and TV, therefore I am applying for this course to enhance my skills, which will help me to progress into the industry. I have always found enjoyment in devising and creating my own short films, using my imagination to form innovative and exciting ideas, stemming me to research more about how I could explore this as a career option. This course interests me due to its practical nature, allowing for a pragmatic experience when learning the skills and techniques needed to succeed in the industry. As well as this, I would also look forward to the written element of the course, which would see me investigate and analyse those who are already working in the industry. I enjoy writing about my projects throughout its course, as I feel it allows me to reflect on the progress being made.
As I previously mentioned, I enjoy producing my own short films, whether they be a telling of a story, or a factual documentary. Whilst I enjoy planning the content that I wish to create; my favourite aspect is filming the footage. One of my passions is Photography, and over the past few years, I have taught myself how to operate a Canon DSLR camera and learn its different features. This has helped me to feel confident when using a camera, allowing me to focus on the message that I am attempting to convey. Throughout my college course, I have been able to practise these skills, helping me to further my knowledge.
Recently, I was asked by a local film company to film a short documentary, commemorating The Queens Platinum Jubilee. During the project, I was able to collaborate with creatives who would become the subject of my film and interview them to gain their personal views and narrations. When working individually on this project, I had to focus on the various aspects at hand, including the camera, audio, and lighting. These were elements that I had to ensure were correct for the result to appear polished. Also, I was given the chance to edit my footage, allowing me to be creative in the way that the story was portrayed. I was honoured to have been able to document a momentous occasion, leading to my film being screened at a cinema, before being placed in the local museum for others to enjoy. I have also gained several opportunities over the past few years which have allowed me to gain a first-hand glimpse into the world of TV. I was fortunate to have been hired as a runner on Celebrity Catchphrase, giving me the chance to work in a studio environment. Within my job as a runner, I was able to strengthen several key skills, such as communication, time management, problem solving, as well as closely collaborating with other creatives. This job was beneficial as it reminded me of the attributes needed if wanting to be distinctive in a fast-moving industry. I have also been able to spend some time in a post-production facility, where learning more about the final stages of a production and sitting in with industry professionals. This was an insightful opportunity as I was able to learn about how a TV programme is edited together after the production stage of a project. Although this is not the route that I wish to focus on, it allowed me to obtain a vision for how this process works, encouraging me to remember this whilst filming.
Over the past two years, I have been studying a Level 3 Extended Diploma in Film and TV Production, and I now feel ready to progress into higher education, evolving and improving on the skills in which I have already learnt. In the future, my main objective is to work in the Television industry as a camera operator, particularly on High-End productions. Whilst I am aware that this is an advanced and technical role, I am keen and ambitious to work towards this, practising and showcasing my abilities along the way. Personally, I feel that, by participating in this course, I will be able to reach my full potential and gain the skills needed to progress into the industry.
Pinewood Studios - 19/11/22
On Saturday 19th November, I was able to visit Pinewood Studios where they were holding their annual 'Futures Festival', allowing young creatives a glance into the industry. Having previously attended this event in 2018, I thought that it would be beneficial to return this year, especially as I am now focussing on how I can progress into the film and television industry. For the most part, the day was laid out in the usual careers fair structure, however, there were some opportunities to visit the studio buildings and speak with industry professionals. Some of the main companies that I was able to talk with included Disney, Sony, Industrial Light and Magic, Into Film, BFI, and screen skills. Each company offered a look into how they each help young creatives to break into the industry, sharing their top tips on how to gain some valuable experience in the film and TV world. Across the course of the day, I was able to learn how a large television camera is operated, the role and responsibilities of a gallery production assistant, and how the technology behind the 'green screen' is rapidly changing and adapting. I found this event incredibly insightful and it gave me an exciting view into what working in a professional studio could look and feel like. I was able to gain a variety of resources that I will research more into at home, opening up the opportunities that are available for me in the future. I have included some photos below, as well as the link to the official Pinewood Studios website with more information on the event.
Pinewood Studios Futures Festival: https://pinewoodfuturesfestival.com/#a4319e27-93a5-4f85-b2cd-7f6b75629213

BBC Apprenticeship Application - 23/11/22
After deciding that I would like to progress down the apprenticeship route in the future, I had begun to research some different, relevant apprenticeships that were available to me. After seeing an advertisement on the BBC Careers site, I did some further exploration into what opportunities they offered. One of the main apprenticeship schemes that caught my eye was the 'Production Fast Track Apprenticeship', as this is the area of television that I am particularly keen on focussing on. Over the course of a few days, I went through the application process, filling in the necessary information before reaching the questionnaire section, where I was asked, 'Thinking about your preferred placement selection and any research you have done in this area, please write a paragraph telling us why it interests you the most and what skills you can bring to the placement'. After some thought, I constructed my answer in a way that I felt displayed my skills, yet also showed how the apprenticeship could help me in the future. There was also a limit of 250 words, therefore, I had to word my answer carefully. I have included my response below.
'When researching more into the BBC Production Apprenticeship, this scheme particularly interests me as I am eager to learn more about the skills and attributes needed to work in production, ultimately helping me to progress into the industry. In the future, I aim to advance into production management, therefore, I am keen to understand more about the requirements for this and how my training could enhance my knowledge and open new doors in this department. I would consider myself a creative person, and enthusiastic about bringing fresh ideas to life. I enjoy working independently, as well as collaborating with others, motivating me to produce a piece of work that I am proud of. I am able to listen and communicate effectively with other members of the team to ensure that a project runs smoothly and am proactive when problem-solving. Furthermore, over the past couple of years, I have studied Film and TV Production at college, therefore, I feel that I could bring some knowledge and skill to the team when demonstrating the techniques that I have already learnt. Some of these include technical skills, such as operating a DSLR camera, working with a green screen, and ensuring that audio is fully tested before recording. Also, I am aware of, and keep in mind, the key connections between the three stages of production, understanding the journey in which a project takes from the moment of concept ideas in pre-production, all the way through to finalising the product in post-production.'
After completing this section of the application, I was given the chance to review my answers to ensure they were correct before submitting. I received a confirmation email to inform me that my application was being processed and that I will hear from a member of the BBC recruitment team in the coming weeks.

Royal Television Society Careers Fair - 07/02/23
ON Tuesday 7th February 2023, I attended the Royal Television Societies careers fair in the business Design Centre, London. This event was held for all of the creatives who are hoping to progress into a career within film and Television, therefore I thought it would be very beneficial for me to attend in the hopes of gaining some more information and networking with industry professionals. Whilst there, I was able to speak to several representatives from successful production companies, such as, ITV, BBC, Channel 4, Fremantle, Thames, Picture shop, and Studio Lambert. I was even able to reconnect with some creatives that I had previously worked with on various work experience placements, whilst also discussing upcoming placements that I am yet to carry out - this highlighted to me the importance of networking and connecting with others. Furthermore, whilst at the event, I also attended an informative talk session where three young people who were starting out in the industry spoke to us about the challenges they have faced, the joys of their roles, and how to ensure you are always progressing in your role. Overall, I found the event to be very informative and interesting and I now have a greater idea of the areas that I can progress into, following my time at college.