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Reflective Logs

Week 1 - 16/09/2022​


This week, we began to look at unit 11 which focusses on the progression into higher education or work in the future, whilst also starting to research some of the key conventions of documentary making. 


When thinking about the unit of progression, we started by forming our own mind maps which looked at the different avenues that we could take. Some of these avenues include University, Apprenticeships, finding work, or taking a gap year. We looked at the advantages and disadvantages of each option and attempted to determine which avenue would suit us. When thinking about university, I thought about which courses were on offer and how they could possibly benefit me in the future - Will it allow me to further my knowledge and will it put me in better stead when applying for jobs? Furthermore, how would an apprenticeship benefit me and how could I find ones that are relevant to my course. In most situations, I personally find it more beneficial to learn whilst doing, and so an apprenticeship could be a good choice for the way in which I learn best. In addition to this, we also looked at the possibility of going straight into work and the entry roles that are available in the Film and TV industry, with the most common being a runner. We will continue to research these options in the coming weeks to help us make an informed decision about the future.


We also began to look at the documentary unit this week; one which will help us to complete our final major project at the end of the year. We started by looking at the common conventions which are used when making documentaries. Some of these included the filming of events in real time, the varying forms of media, interviews, and the use of archived footage. We confirmed that these were common conventions when watching and analysing documentary trailers. Following on from this, we then studied and compared two different documentaries and determined the similarities and differences between them. It was interesting to evaluate the different techniques that had been used, and the effect in which they have on the documentary. I am intrigued to learn more about this in the coming weeks to gain a greater understanding of documentary making.

Week 2 - 23/09/2022​


This week, we continued to look at Documentary making when studying the 6 main modes of documentary. These modes included, poetic, expository, Reflexive, Observational, Performative, and Participatory. Each mode has their own unique characteristics and attributes, which makes it easy to identify and define a documentary. These modes are also useful when considering the type of documentary you would like to create. For example, if you wanted to make an entertaining documentary, you might consider using the poetic technique, however, if you wanted to spread a message, you could use the expository technique. 


When studying the 6 modes of Documentary some more, we were set a task to watch several documentary clips and attempt to determine the mode in which they had been created. I found this task very interesting as it challenged me to think about the reasoning behind the documentary, where I might have usually been more drawn into the narrative. It was intriguing to discover that some documentaries included elements of contrasting modes and therefore could not be identified using only one mode. When analysing documentaries in the future, this is something that I will keep in mind in order to gain a greater understanding of the meaning behind it. 


In addition to this, we continued with our scriptwriting sessions when thinking about possible plots that we could develop for our characters that we started to form last week. We will continue to build on these ideas next week when writing a brief synopsis for our ideas. 

Week 3 - 30/09/2022​


This week, we continued to look at Documentary making when studying the idea of Vox Pops. Vox Pops are a form of recording audio as well as video, often in an interview format. Before we attempted to record our own Vox Pops, we looked into their common conventions, how to record them, and how they are used. This was beneficial as it gave us a background idea behind the uses of Vox Pops. After doing this, we were then challenged to formulate a few questions based on a chosen subject and record several Vox Pops to gather information. As a group, we decided that we would ask the question, "If you had a million pounds, what would you do with it?". We felt that this was a bold, yet open question which could also lead to sub-questions, such as, "Would you tell anybody you had the money?", and "Would you rather earn or win the money?". This would help the interviewee to expand on their responses, whilst also allowing us to collect further information.


When recording our Vox Pops, it was interesting to hear the varied range of responses and the reasoning behind them. However, as a group, we felt that it was necessary to each assign ourselves roles for the Vox Pop recording to ensure that everything was done professionally. For example, one person would operate the camera, ensuring that the person was in shot and had an appropriate background; another person would record the sound, ensuring that the audio levels were of a suitable volume, whilst the other person asked the questions to the interviewee. After collecting a sufficient amount of footage, we were then tasked with the assignment to mix the audio and ensure that both the sound and video that we had recorded were synced together accordingly. We will use the software avid to do this and will continue working on the project next week.


Also this week, we were lucky enough to visit a Careers fair at the Kent Cricket Ground, where we were given the chance to speak with representatives from different universities across the UK. I found this very intriguing and it allowed me to gain a better insight as to what University life could look like and consider whether it would be the right route for me. After talking to several universities, I will continue to conduct some more research for myself.


Week 4 - 07/10/2022​


This week, we continued to look at Documentary making when preparing to film a 'piece to camera'. This task required us to watch several documentaries of our choice, select one, and write a script which we would film ourselves speaking to share our thoughts on how the documentary was constructed. We spent some time watching and researching some short documentaries in order to find one that interested us, and would allow us to talk about it in depth. After some thought, I decided to pick the documentary, 'Loved BY all', which focuses on a Mount Everest Sherpa. I found this documentary to be particularly informative as it detailed the life of a high altitude porter and what that role involves. Once I had chosen my documentary, I started to form a script which outlined some of the key points that I wanted to talk about in my piece to camera. I will record and edit this next week, including clips from the documentary to backup my thoughts. 


Furthermore, also this week, we continued to look at unit 11 which focuses on progression after college. LAST week, we visited the careers fair which was help at the Kent Cricket Ground and were now asked to talk about what we learnt there and how this could benefit our future options. In addition to this, we updated our progression page on our websites with our UCAS careers quiz results and our possible top five options for the future. Some of these options included Universities, apprenticeships, and possibly going straight into the industry in an entry level role.


Week 5 - 14/10/2022​


This week, we continued to work on our 'Piece to Camera' task when recording our own documentary analysis. There were several aspects that we had to consider when recording, such as the backdrop, steady camera movements and clear sound. These were all elements that I had thought about and planned beforehand, so when it came to recording my video, these points were already in place. I decided that the best way to record my video would be in different sections to ensure that I could memorise each paragraph and convey them in a clear manner on screen. When editing the final video, I decided to use some background music, as well as cuttings from the documentary itself. This would allow the viewer to have a greater visual understanding about what I was discussing. Overall, I felt that the video was able to present a suitable amount of information and keep to the timescale that was given. 


In addition to this, we also continued with our script writing work when revisiting the 'Show don't Tell' method. We watched a few different short films of different genres including animation, comedy and Romance. After watching these, we then thought about the different conventions that had been used in each. In order to practise our own 'show don't tell' techniques, we were given a series of questions, and asked to re-write them, in the style of a script. This encouraged us to think about how scripts are written, particularly remembering to change the sentence from past tense to present tense. We will remember this method next week, when learning more about the skills needed to write a script, and writing our own draft scripts. 


Week 6 - 21/10/2022​


This week, we continued to look at documentary making when studying the common interview techniques. Some of which include focussing on body language, eye contact, Language, camerawork, sound, editing, and mise-en-scene. After doing some research on the different interview techniques, we were tasked with finding and selecting two interviews before analysing them. When searching for interviews to talk about, I knew that I wanted to discuss contrasting interviews so that I could understand several aspects of interviewing. With this in mind, I decided to analyse an interview given by Rowan Atkinson for British GQ, detailing some of his most iconic roles. This interview was perhaps unconventional and felt quite informal. Another noticeable point about this interview was that there were no specific questions being asked, but it appeared more as a relaxed conversation. In addition to this, I chose an interview with president Obama on the Jimmy Kimmel show. This was much more of a conventional interview, in a familiar set up, with a more formal question and answer conversation taking place. I noted these contrasting points in my analysis whilst also speaking about the different conventions that I could spot. 


Furthermore this week, we also continued with the progression unit when attending a University fair which was held in 'The Street'. At the fair, we were given the opportunity to speak with university representatives and learn more about the courses on offer and the application process. I found this experience very beneficial and feel it has given me a clearer vision on my future and the next steps I will need to take when progressing further. 




Week 7 - 04/11/2022​


This week, we continued to look at interview techniques and some of the common conventions used in a television interview. Some of these included, adjusting the white balance, testing the audio, ensuring that the camera is focussed, and using the appropriate shot types. We also learnt about the importance of preparation before an interview and the tasks that should be completed before filming. A key part of this was to conduct research into the subject or the interviewee to ensure that you have a basic understanding of the topic before speaking to them. This will allow you to feel confident in your questions and ensure that you are asking the right things. It is also important to inform the interviewee of the questions you are going to ask them to allow them to prepare themselves and consider their answers. It is also helpful to do a location recce before filming as you are then able to assess the surroundings and identify any problems that may take place during filming. 


After learning about the common interview techniques, we were tasked, as a group, to film our own short interview with each other. We had to devise a series of questions that we would ask based on a topic of our choice. When filming, we ensured that the camera was at eye level and that it was in focussed. We also tested the audio before recording to check that our levels were correct and that the audio sounded clear. As we only had access to one camera, we filmed the interview in three different sections, with one wide shot of both the interviewer and the interviewee and then two medium shots of each person. This would then be cut together in the edit to look more natural. 


Also this week, we continued with our unit 11 Progression work when looking in depth at personal statements. This is something I will continue with over the coming weeks before submitting applications. 


Week 8 - 11/11/2022​


This week, we continued to work on the documentary unit when studying the green screen technique and how it can be used in film and TV. WE STARTED BY FOCUSING ON TELEVISED NEWS WHEN ANALYSING SEVERAL CLIPS of different ways that news could be presented. We were tasked with carefully understanding how the presenters were dressed, whether that be formally or informally, the tone that they used to deliver the news, and the message behind the stories being reported on. After completing our analysis, we were then asked to form groups and create a news story that we could film, using the green screen technique. Before starting to film, we were taught how to use the green screen and how to remove the block colour in the editor, Avid. After we had completed the task as a group, we then edited our videos together and evaluated them, based on what we thought went well, and the aspects that we could improve on if we were to work with a green screen again. I found this task particularly interesting, and am keen to learn more about this technique in the future. 


Furthermore, we also continued to work on our short comedy scripts this week for our scriptwriting unit. After briefly thinking about ideas last week, I took the opportunity to develop these ideas and create a scenario. As we had previously discovered, when writing comedy, it can be useful to start with a scenario and think of the worse possible thing to happen in that situation. I used this way of thinking when expanding on my idea and constructing my characters. I decided to base my script on a bench at a train station, having learnt that a simple location can often allow the viewer to focus more on the unfolding action. It would show two people engaging in a slightly odd conversation, for at the end of it, it would be revealed that one of the two people were actually speaking on the phone through wireless earphones. Whilst elements of comedy would be shown throughout the conversation, the final laugh will happen when the scenario is revealed at the very end of the script. 


Also this week, I began to look at how I could start to structure my personal statement and started to write a draft copy. this is something that I will continuously revisit and develop over the coming weeks in preparation for the submission of my applications. 


Week 9 - 18/11/2022​


This week, we began to look at our new project of creating a short documentary film, which we will continue to work on over the next few weeks. For the past nine weeks, we have studied the key conventions and techniques of documentary making, therefore, we have now been tasked with generating ideas for our own five minute documentary. We started by revisiting what makes a good documentary and how to keep the viewer engaged. It is also important to feel passionate about the topic of the documentary, and to decide what perspective you will tell the story from. To begin, we were asked to create a mind map with at least three initial ideas of topics that our documentaries could be based around. We then branched off from these ideas, exploring different and unique elements that could be discussed to ensure that our ideas weren't too cliché. After this, we had to conduct a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis on each one of our ideas. This would allow us to think carefully about our ideas and whether they have the potential to be developed further for the project. Once we had done this, we then structured a questionnaire which we could share with family and friends, gaining their views and opinions on each idea, helping me to determine which would be the most suitable to move forward with. I will continue with this next week when analysing the responses and results before making an informed decision on one idea. 


In addition to this, we were also visited by a guest speaker in one of our sessions this week. Richard Belfield, an award winning television producer, director, and author, spoke to us about his four decades in the industry and the journey that he has been on. He also shared with us some of his personal stories from when he made some of previous documentaries and how he connected with the people that he had met along the way. I found this talk very beneficial as it gave us an insight into what it is like to work with people in the real world, and how best to obtain the footage needed for your project. I also learnt more about the world of documentary making which I will keep in mind when working on my own documentaries.


Finally, I continued to work on my personal statement this week when completing a slimmed down, second draft. I removed some points in the personal statement that were perhaps unnecessary, keeping the key points that I wanted to discuss. Moving forward, I will gain some feedback on my personal statement and make any appropriate amendments.

Week 10 - 25/11/2022​


This week, we continued to work on our documentary project when creating a research plan, which would help us to understand the topics that we would need to investigate further throughout the project. In order to gain a variety of qualitative and quantitative information, we would need to conduct our research using both primary and secondary techniques. Thinking about what I would need to research, I broke down each section of the project into different sections, focussing on elements such as the topic, target audience, technical elements, and the mode that I would use for my documentary. Some of my initial research questions included, 'How does social media affect and influence the decisions we make?', 'What are the pros and cons of advancing technology?', and 'What effects does social media have on different age groups?'. As my research progresses, I expect to consider different questions which will stem off from these original questions, prompting me to think about each topic in further depth. 


After constructing my research plan, and speaking it through with my lecturers, I began my research when focussing on the social media topic. I started by doing some secondary research on how social media can affect everyday lives and the decisions that we make. There were several points that I discovered, such as, social media can often influence our views and opinions, even though we are given very little information about the subject. This is an element of social media that many people engage with subconsciously and without realisation. Furthermore, I also uncovered that social media can play a big part in how we look, speak, and act, based on the idea that many people attempt to achieve the 'social norms', solely based upon what we see on social media. I will continue to research these ideas when watching some online videos, discussing the influence that social media can have. 


Finally this week, continuing with my topic and target audience research, I created a questionnaire which was based around how often people use social media, and whether they enjoy using it in general. I shared my survey with a variety of people, ranging from 18-69 year olds. This allowed me to receive a diverse amount of responses, encouraging me to identify the similarities and differences between them I was intrigued by the results and was able to identify that social media has more of an influential effect on younger generations than it does on the older generations. This is something that I will continue to research when thinking about social media affects different generations. 

Week 11 - 02/12/2022​


This week, we continued to work on our documentary project when designing a project proposal pitch for our final documentary idea. Within the pitch, we needed to discuss aspects such as our tagline, synopsis, target audience, treatment, and key question. We also needed to include our research plan which would detail the elements of our project that we needed to look into further. After completing my presentation, we then had to present our pitch to our class and lecturers. Although this was a different experience, I found it helpful to verbally explain my ideas as it allowed me to gain a clearer vision of why I am passionate about my project and what it could possibly look like at the end. 


Furthermore this week, I also continued with my topic research when doing some secondary, online research to discover the pros and cons of advancing technology. After reading through various articles, I uncovered that technology is much more than a mobile phone or a computer, as it is all around us and advancing at a constant pace. One of the main points that I spoke about was how technology in the health sector is continuing to improve, helping to lengthen lifespan. In addition to this, I also looked at how technology provides much more ease in general in the modern world. I EXPLORED THIS IDEA FURTHER AND INCLUDED SOME EXAMPLES OF HOW MUCH MORE WE ARE ABLE TO, THANKS TO MODERN TECHNOLOGY. As well as this, I also watched and analysed two short documentaries which covered a similar topic to the one in which I would like to portray. I was able to identify several documentary characteristics and get a greater idea on the techniques that I would like to use in my own short film. 


Finally this week, I continued with my research when creating a questionnaire based on how social media affects different generations. I sent this questionnaire to a variety of people, both of older and younger ages, and compared the responses that I received. I found this to be a vital part of my research and will allow me to ask more questions from this within my documentary interviews. 



Week 12 - 09/12/2022​


This week, we continued to work on our documentary project when carrying out some more research. To begin with, I continued to analyse my questionnaire findings that I had started last week when looking at the responses from an older generation. It was interesting to compare the two sets of results and identify the similarities and differences between them. I has already anticipated some of the responses, however, there were some answers which surprised me, encouraging me to think more about how I will address my audience and what I will discuss within my documentary. Furthermore, I continued with my research when thinking about the technical elements of my documentary. Having conducted several aspects of my research, it was important for me to consider which documentary modes and conventions I would like to include in my film and how they would have an effect on the audience. During this exercise, I reminded myself of the common modes and how I would like my documentary to be presented as an open conversation. 


As well as this, I also refreshed my knowledge of the common interview techniques used when filming a documentary. Some of these included having a clear set of questions prepared prior to the interview, making the interviewee feel relaxed and comfortable, and to be open with the questions that you ask. This encouraged me to think about the possible questions that I will need to ask moving forward. This is something that I will continue to work on next week when starting the pre-production documents.


In addition to this, we were also given the opportunity to participate in some Live Editing this week. In groups, we were asked to film the production, 'A Christmas Carol', which was performed by some of the Canterbury College performing arts team, and edit whilst it was taking place. This was an interesting task which I had not experienced before as I was able to work with some new equipment and understand the skill of live editing. This is a possible career path that I would like to consider when thinking more about my future. 



Week 13 - 15/12/2022​


This week, we continued to work on the final part of our pre-production process, which would include creating and finalising our pre-production documents. Some of these include a synopsis, treatment, Project Timetable, Key Personnel, Recce Sheet, health and safety, and a contingence plan. We had already previously constructed a synopsis and treatment document when writing our project pitch, therefore, I just needed to slightly adapt and expand on the points that I had already made. For the project timetable, we needed to detail the different stages of our project, and the activities that we would carry out at various points. I found this very useful as it gave me a clear vision of the end objective, and how I will get to that point. 


Furthermore, we also had to conduct a location recce to ensure that we were aware of any possible hazards relating to the location, that might occur when filming. As I am only filming in a limited number of spaces, there were a few issues that I could anticipate, which included, how harsh sunlight could affect the lighting, and how noisy appliances could affect the audio. These are aspects that I will need to be aware of and evaluate further on the day of filming. Similarly to this, we also had to draw up a Health and Safety sheet which would highlight some of the dangerous elements of filming, such as loose wires and trip hazards. I identified if these were high, medium, or low level risks and discuss the precautions I will take to prevent them from happening. 


Also this week, we were tasked with creating a shooting script and a visual outline for our documentary as part of our pre-production documents. These were two pieces of information that I had not encounter before, therefore, I did some further research on what they might include and how they should be structured. When writing my shooting script, I was aware that it should not be a detailed script, but more of brief outline of the sections that the documentary will follow. In this section, I included the number of scenes, and what would visually be seen and what the audio would include. In addition to this, I also drafted some initial interview questions which I will ask my interviewees when I start to work on the production of my short documentary in the coming weeks.



Week 14 - 06/01/2023​


This week, I was ready to begin the production stage of my project and needed to start sourcing some archival footage to present in my film. Throughout my documentary, I aim to discuss how technology has advanced and adapted over the past few decades, therefore I wanted to display a clear difference in this so that the viewer could visually understand the points that I was making. AS well as collecting some existing footage, I also needed to work on a voice over script which would help with the factual elements of my documentary. I created my script using the Celtx software, including the questions that I wanted to ask my interviewees, and at which points I would include them in the structure of the documentary. 


When thinking about filming my interviews, I knew that I wanted to use a green screen to ensure that I had an interesting and engaging background, as well as incorporating the common documentary convention. I positioned both of my interviewees at opposing angles which would avoid any jump cuts when it came to the editing process during post production. Symbolically, it also conveyed the difference in generations and their own individual opinions. Whilst filming the interviews, I was able to ask my interviewees some further questions that I had not originally anticipated, allowing for some extra footage, should I require it in the edit.


Moving forward, next week I will record my voice overs, and edit my footage to create my finalised documentary.

Week 15 - 13/01/2023​


This week, I was able to finalise my short documentary when editing each aspect together, forming my final product. However, before I could do this, I needed to record my voice overs which would be overlapped onto some archival footage at various points throughout the documentary. I recorded these in short sections before matching them up with each archival segment. In addition to this, I also needed to remove the green screen from my interview videos using the chroma key tool. Although some green parts are still visible here, I was able to remove the majority of it, replacing the green with a more interesting 'technology' based background. Once I had made these technical changes, I then uploaded all of my footage into the editing software, placing them in an order which resembled the structure that I had initially laid out. After ensuring that all of the footage was in the correct place, I finally added some background music which would play throughout the entirety of the documentary in order to keep the viewer engaged. This encouraged me to check the audio levels once more and ensure that these were not too overpowering, yet could still be heard. 


After having finished and exported my final documentary, I then began to work on my overall evaluation of the project. This gave me the opportunity to reflect on the progress I had made, discussing the techniques that I had used and whether my end result was similar to my initial idea, as well as thinking about what I would change or do differently, should I have the opportunity to create this documentary again. Overall, I have found this project to be very informative, engaging, and enjoyable, and I feel that I have learnt a vast new skill set which will undoubtedly prove very useful to me when continuing with my documentary work in the future. 

Week 16 - 20/01/2023​


Having now completed our short documentary project, this week, we began to move onto a new 'skills Experimentation' unit when looking at the nature of screen motion in Film and Television. We started this week by refreshing our memories on the basic attributes of camera movement, such as tilting, panning, and tracking shots. We watched and discussed several film scenes which were particularly focused on movement, and thought about the effects that they had on the viewer. Looking at this in some further depth, we were introduced to several new pieces of equipment, including the camera slider, Glidecam, and the Gimbal. We were taught how each piece of equipment operates, and the uses that they have when filming. After having familiarised ourselves with this, we were tasked with collecting some test footage, using the new devices. In groups, we devised a short sequence, allowing us to practise our newfound skills. 


Once we had filmed some practise footage, we were then asked to find a short scene from a film, and replicate it using the new equipment. As a group, we collectively decided to use the restaurant scene from 'Goodfellas'. Although we did not have the same environment available to us, we would still be able to take inspiration from the scene, and use the slider and the gimbal to create the same effect. After we had filmed each shot, we then compiled them together using Avid to create a short scene. Overall, I have found the tasks this week to be very informative and feel that I have learned a range of new skills. I have also had the opportunity to put these skills into practise, and would feel that I have an understanding and knowledge of the equipment, should I have the chance to use them again in the future. 


Week 17 - 27/01/2023​


This week, we continued with our skills experimentation unit when revisiting how Lighting is used within film and Television. We began this week by watching and analysing several film scenes which specifically used interesting lighting techniques. In groups, and as a class, we discussed how lighting had been used to convey a deeper meaning or highlight emotions within a scene. We were able to identify that different lighting styles, whether that be using hard or soft lighting, or alternatively, coloured light, contributed to the essence of a scene, enhancing the narrative. When watching TV or films, the lighting used can often be overlooked, however, it is important to note that it can be used as a vital storytelling tool when moving the narrative forward. 


After watching several scenes, we were tasked with filming our own short, simple sequences, in which we would use lighting to create an effect or illusion. These sequences would include driving a car, sitting by a campfire, and watching the television. For each scene, we experimented with and positioned the lights in different angles, adjusting the brightness of each, which prompted us to think about the symbolic effect that it would have on the shot. I think that we were successful in creating these short scenes, and we were able to reflect on what we did and how we could improve it moving forward. As the week progressed, we were given the opportunity to take our self criticism on board, and address the possible mistakes that we might have made when continuing to practise our skills. For the second task, we chose three still images from film scenes that used lighting effectively from the horror, fantasy and noir genres to recreate or take inspiration from within our own images. In groups, we once again experimented with using coloured gels to create effects and build on the moods and tones of the image. Personally, I found this task very useful as it gave us a chance to improve our skills and consider in more depth how we were lighting the scenes.


Overall, I have thoroughly enjoyed revisiting the Lighting aspect this week as I feel that I was able to refresh my knowledge and skills, as well as learning more useful techniques which will surely prove beneficial to me when creating my own work and using lighting in the future. 


Week 18 - 03/02/2023​


This week, we continued with our skills experimentation unit when looking in further detail at how focus is used within Film and Television. As we had already discovered in our first year, Focus is a key aspect of Film that can be used to convey meaning and emotion, however, this week, we discovered how some of these techniques can be achieved. We began by revisiting some key knowledge that is essential to be aware of when thinking about focus. Some of these included looking at Aperture, Shutter speed, ISO, Focal length, and Depth of Field. Each of these aspects play a big role when deciding what is either in or out of focus within a shot. We discussed and analysed these elements before looking at some new focussing techniques. 


Some of the focus techniques that we looked at included a Rack Focus, an into shot focus, and a tracking rack focus. Each of these techniques could be achieved in different ways and would convey a different message to the viewer. Once we had identified some examples of each focus and familiarised ourselves with how to execute each one, we carried out an experimental exercise which would allow us test the skills first hand. In small groups, we filmed a short series of shots which demonstrated each technique, before identifying the strengths and weaknesses we encountered. 


Following on from this, we then continued to develop our skills by filming a short sequence which took narrative inspiration from an existing film scene. We were aware that using and demonstrating focus was our main objective for this task, however, as well as this, we also incorporated various other aspects that we have recently covered, such as screen motion and lighting. Overall, I feel that this week has been very beneficial for me as it has allowed me to refresh my knowledge on the importance of focus, as well as learning some new skills which will surely prove useful to me in the future. 



Week 19 - 09/02/2023​


This week, we continued with our skills experimentation unit when looking in further detail at how sound is used within film and television, and the effect that it can have on adding depth and meaning to a scene. As a class, we began by collectively revisiting the different methods of sound (background music, sound effects, interior monologues, dialogue, voiceovers) and how each technique would be used, depending on the scenario. For example, uplifting background music might be used in a film that follows a romantic or fantastical genre, whereas, harsh, loud sound effects might be used within a war or western film. In some cases, films can have their own individual score which has been specifically created for that purpose only, however, some smaller budgets productions will use existing audio tracks or songs. Whatever sound method is used, it is essential to remember its use and how it contributes to moving the plot forward. 


In addition to this, we also briefly revisited the method of creating Foley sounds - a technique that we experimented with in our first year. Foley sounds are specially created by FOLEY ARTISTS WHO USE A RANGE OF OBJECTS AND MATERIALS (OFTEN EVERYDAY ITEMS) TO REPLICATE A SPECIFIC SOUND. They often RECORD THESE SOUNDS IN SYNC WITH THE SCENE SO THAT THEY ARE AWARE OF WHETHER THE SOUND THEY HAVE CREATED SOUNDS ACCURATE AND TRUE. 


After refreshing our knowledge on the different aspects of sound and how they are used, we were given 3 short video clips and tasked with creating a unique soundscape for each one. We could source each audio track by searching online royalty free libraries, which offer a wide variety of free sound effects and background music. After having selected all of my audio tracks, we inserted both our footage and audio into Adobe Audition - a platform that allows you to focus specifically on sound - where we were able to layer each track and add effects to them, such as echoes, panning and volume adjustments.


Overall, I really enjoyed the tasks this week as it gave me a chance to experiment with different sounds and carefully consider how they might be used and the impact that they can have on the viewer watching the scene. I will surely utilise these new skills when it comes to editing my final major project, as well as any other projects i work on in the future. To conclude, I am now more aware of how important sound is in enhancing the narrative within film and TV.


Week 20 - 24/02/2023​


This week, we started to look at Unit 12 which involves working on an initial 'Who am I?' task, and thinking about possible ideas that we could develop for our Final Major Project in Unit 13. We began this week by mind mapping our interests and passions and thinking of ways that we could branch off from those in order to produce an interesting end product. Over the course of two years, having completed various different projects, I have learnt that I often produce my best work if it is based around a topic that genuinely interests me. Some of the topics that I chose were Photography, Music, Nature, and History. Whilst these are all broad subjects, I thought that it would give me a good opportunity to think carefully about the ideas that I could create, and what medium I would use to bring them to life.


As well as this,  we were also tasked with filming a short 'Who Am I?' video which would allow us to understand our passions and interests in more depth, as well as the topics that interests us. I compiled a list of questions for myself to answer which followed the themes of my early childhood, my career ambitions, and the biggest influences in my life. I found this task very useful and I feel that this will be a necessary piece of work that I can continuously refer back to throughout the project to remind myself of my end goals and objectives. 


After some thought, I formulated three possible ideas which could form the foundations for my Final Major Project, which included, The Evolution of Music, how nature can affect our physical and mental health, and how our family history shapes the people we become.  After briefly explaining the background of each idea, I then carried out a SWOT Analysis on Idea 1, 2 and 3. In these, I identified the possible strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and weaknesses. This would help me to determine the strongest idea and the most viable to move forward with for my end product. I will continue with this next week when sharing my ideas with my peers and lecturers and gathering their feedback for each idea. 



Week 21 - 03/03/2023​


This week, we continued to look at Unit 12 when beginning to think about our individual Research Topics and Questions. Last week, I decided to move forward with the idea that focussed on how music has evolved through the decades. I had already anticipated the eras that I was the most keen to learn more about were the 60s, 70s, and 80s, therefore, I decided to base this weeks task around analysing a music video from each decade when looking at similar existing media products. The music videos that I selected to analyse were 'Daydream Believer' by The Monkees, 'Bohemian Rhapsody' by Queen, and 'Take On Me' by A-ha. Each video had various similarities and differences and I was able to identify some of the key characteristics that were used in music videos depending on the varying years that they were created. I found this exercise to be really insightful and interesting and felt that I was able to clearly relate the task back to my original research question.


After having analysed each media product, I thought about how the task had influenced my original intention and the aspects of the topic that I am keen to research next. Having looked into in some depth at the different genres that were popular in each decade, and having discovered some that I hadn't been aware exsisted, I will research more into this in the coming weeks and try to understand how and why they have changed and adapted over the years. Overall, I am really pleased with the work carried out this week as I feel that I now have a greater understanding on the topic as well as different research routes that I will take when moving forward with the project in the coming weeks. 



Week 22 - 10/03/2023​


This week, we continued to focus on the research aspect of our chosen topic for unit 12. Last week, we had already been able to identify a research topic and establish a research question when analysing three existing related media products. Having conducted this initial piece of research, I now had a clearer vision on the route that I would like to take when moving forward with my project. To begin with, I created a mind map of initial research activity ideas, prompting me to think about how I could achieve my end goal of uncovering information which was based off of my research questions. In order to ensure that I covered a variety of aspects within my research, I thought about the cultural, social, and historical context behind my topic idea. This allowed me to generate some possible research questions that would have some relevance to what I needed to find out. 


After having done this, I then reminded myself of the different research methods that can be used, such as, Primary, Secondary, Quantitative, and Qualitative research. I was able to clearly explain how each research methods differ, and which options would be the most useful when conducting contrasting pieces of research. Having completed my mind map of research ideas, I now needed to narrow down and specify the key points that I felt would be the most beneficial to cover when moving forward. I did this by constructing a research plan which detailed which research question I would look into, in depth, which methods and techniques I would use, and the overall relevance that this particular piece of research would have on my project. Through completing this task, I was able to identify five key research questions that I think will prove to be beneficial when it comes to creating my final major project. I anticipate that I will ask myself sub-questions throughout the research process, therefore I must be prepared to follow different routes and uncover more about a specific topic. I will continue with Unit 12 next week when beginning my research. 



Week 23 - 17/03/2023​


This week, I continued to work on Unit 12 when beginning my initial piece of research in response to my research question. Although I had completed a research plan, I needed to select one key research question which would help me to determine whether I was heading in the right direction and whether my chosen topic could be developed into my Final Major Project. I decided to answer the question, 'How was 60s, 70s, and 80s music produced to reflect lifestyles of these eras?' as I thought this would allow me to delve into each decade and gain some key information surrounding how music was used to address social, political, and cultural topics. I also thought that this piece of research would be helpful for me when thinking about whether I wanted to cover all three decades within my documentary, or alternatively, just one. I spent time critically analysing and researching each decade in depth and made sure to think about the relevant social issues, fashion choices, music genres, and the way that the world was during that era. However, with this being said, I always made sure to relate these topics back to how music had an influence on that time period and how it was creatively used to have an impact on society. 


For this initial piece of research, I mostly relied on secondary sources as I knew I needed to first gather factual information, rather than personal opinions from my target audience - this would be an aspect that I would cover later on in the Research Process. Although I mainly used online articles, I also conducted some primary research when reading extracts from books such as 'Sounds of the Sixties', and 'Great Bands of the 80s'. I also made sure to include images within my research to visually back up the points that I was making. Having now conducted this beginning piece of research in response to my initial research topic, I now feel that I have a greater knowledge on the subjects that I am discussing and feel confident that I can create an end product from it. I also feel more confident in knowing that I would like to cover the 60s, 70s, and 80s within my documentary as I feel that each decade has something different to offer, allowing me to showcase the clear similarities and differences between each era. I will continue with my research next week when writing my research report. 

Week 24 - 24/03/2023​


This week, I came to the end of Unit 12 when constructing my Research Report and sourcing my research References. Having now completed the unit, and two key pieces of topic research, I needed to analyse my findings and determine whether the information that I uncovered would be useful to me when producing my final major product. I began my report by explaining how I started the unit by formulating three key ideas that could eventually be developed into my FMP. I then spoke about how I completed a SWOT Analysis for each idea, as well as filming a short 'Who AM I?' video, which would ultimately encourage me to chose the 'Evolution of Music' idea. I selected this idea because I felt that it would allow me the most scope to conduct a variety of research which I would find enjoyable and engaging throughout the process. It is a topic that personally interests me and I am keen to develop the idea further. With this in mind, I then discussed how I analysed three existing media products which were related to my own idea. This research task helped me to understand how Music videos from the 60s, 70s, and 80s were produced and how they advanced over time. Following on from this, I felt keen to explore this in further depth, and so conducted some research which looked at how 60s, 70s, and 80s music represented lifestyles and social issues of each era.


Having detailed all of my findings within my research report, and through explaining my methodology, I was able to reflect on the work that I had done, and carefully consider my next steps. I had conducted a range of Secondary and Qualitative research on the contextual background of my topic, therefore, I would also need to complete some primary and Quantitative research when progressing into Unit 13. A way that I could do this would be by asking members of my possible target audience to complete a questionnaire or survey. Overall, I still remain confident with my idea and think that I will enjoy researching into it further throughout my Final Major Project unit. My next steps will be to complete my Project Proposal, and to continue with my topic, target, and skills research. 


© 2023 by Kaden White

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