In this image, multiple methods have been used to draw the viewers eye to selected parts of the photo. For example, by using contrast, the eye is drawn to the symmetrical leading lines, which encourage the viewer to look through the building at the sunset. The contrast between light and dark enhance where the eye is drawn further. Firstly, the eye is drawn to the midground, where the building is positioned. This is due to size and focus. For example, it is visible that there are people both in the foreground and background, however, the most intriguing part of the image is the building, therefore, it is the subject most in focus. To ensure that the focus is on the building, the people and mountains around it have been blurred. This conveys their lack of importance in the image and encourages the viewer to look mainly at the building. Therefore, the depth of field is in the midground. Because of how the image has been composed, it is effective in focussing the main subject.

In this image, multiple methods have been used to draw the viewers eye to a particular part of the photo. For example, this photograph uses Natural Framing, which encompasses the image focus (the boat) in its own surroundings (the trees). Even though the trees at the foreground of the image are not focussed, it helps to convey the setting of the photo and draw the viewer to the boat upon first looking at the image. Furthermore, the leading lines at the bases of the tree’s leaves allow for the focus to be drawn towards the boat. To imply further that the boat and people are the main subjects, the rule of three is used. It places the boat directly in the middle of the ‘grid’, clearly showing that the image is based around that. Finally, contrast is used to also draw attention to the boat. It is clear that the water is overshadowed, and therefore darker at either side of the image. However, down the centre of the image, where the boat is positioned, the water is much lighter, drawing the eye to that part of the image.

In this image, multiple methods have been used to draw the viewers eye to a particular part of the photo. Upon first viewing this photograph, the main focus is the Lamppost. For example, this image uses the composition method, Leading Lines. The bold, black post leads clearly to the light inside the lamppost. The black post and bright light also allow the image to have contrast. Also, the lines of the railings going down the stairs entice the viewer into the photograph and encourages them to look further into its depth. The brightness of the lamppost light allows the viewer to concentrate more on that than the background. However, Reflections, another composition method, is used when the lights in the distance are reflected in the water.