In Week 4, we developed our knowledge of camera settings when looking in depth at Shutter Speed, Aperture, ISO, and Exposure. On Monday, we began to look at the definitions and uses of these settings and why they are used in film and photography. We made notes and recorded some standard settings and what effects they can have on an image or film. We also learnt about where to find each setting on a camera in preparation for Tuesday’s task. The Shutter Speed setting can be found under the TV setting on the camera wheel, whereas the Aperture setting can be found under the AV setting on the camera wheel. On Tuesday, we began to demonstrate and experiment our knowledge of these camera settings when taking example images. In groups, we found locations and subjects that could demonstrate these settings, whilst taking our own individual images. I felt comfortable in locating the different camera setting buttons on the camera whilst taking my images. Finally, on Wednesday, we uploaded our images and reflected on them. During the task, I noted the different camera settings that we used in our images from Tuesday’s task and the effect that they had on the final image. I was able to identify what settings worked and which ones didn’t, encouraging me to explain what I would do to change that in the future.
During the task, I tried to additionally use some of the methods that we studied in previous weeks, such as natural framing and composition, however, the focus was to ensure that we used the correct camera settings when taking our photographs. I was pleased with the final outcome, however, there are some changes which I would make when capturing my images in the future.