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Week 12 - Reflective Log


For this week’s tasks, we were challenged with carrying out several research activities to help us gain a deeper understanding of how we will create our short film. In order to help me decide on a final idea out of a possible three, I created a questionnaire to send out to various groups of people to give feedback. In my questionnaire, I listed my three ideas and asked those completing it to state their favourite idea, explain why this was their favourite, and if they had any suggestions of how I could make this idea more interesting for the viewer. After gaining some responses, the overall votes were equal between all ideas, and so based on some of the feedback given, I decided to go forward in creating Idea 1. I feel that this idea will allow me to demonstrate several key aspects of the topics we have studied in a creative way. For example, the use of various shot types and how I will use props to inform the viewer of the narrative. The Questionnaire responses also gave me some feedback as to how I could improve my idea, many of which, I have taken on board and will attempt to portray in my film.

After gaining some feedback and securing my idea, I found that it would be useful to analysis different aspects of my idea, from Production Skills and Skills Requirements. Through this activity, I was able to think in depth about the multiple elements I will need to consider when creating my film. Some of these include, Lighting Techniques, Shot Types, Props needed, and Locations. By questioning all of these aspects, I was able to visualise my idea in more detail. I feel that this has helped me in clearly knowing what I will need to make my short film successful.

However, some of these aspects required me to do some further research. In order to get a clear image of the aspects that I needed to research, I created a research plan. This allowed me to see what topics I needed to research, what method of research I would use, and the relevance and importance it would have on my project. After creating this, I carried out several research methods and gained some further information on things that I need to include in my film, and who my film is directed at in terms of target audience.

I have found the research tasks helpful this week as it has allowed me to understand the key aspects that make a successful comedy film, and the components I will need to include in my own short film.


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